Grimmfest TV

Mick Garris and Alice Krige chat about making SLEEPWALKERS to celebrate its 30th anniversary!

January 26, 2023 grimmfest

Dr Sorcha Ni Fhlainn hosted while genre legends Mick and Alice rolled back the years to talk about making their Stephen King adaptation, watch it now!

Thanks to 10Before for this video!

Charles Brady and his mother, Mary, are the last of a dying breed whose needs are not of this world. They are Sleepwalkers – able to stay alive only by feeding on the life-force of the innocent, but destined to roam the earth, avoiding discovery while searching for their next victim. That search takes them to the sleepy little town of Travis, Indiana, where beautiful teenager Tanya Robertson is about to become an unwilling pawn in their nightmarish fight for survival….